generous giving
partner with the mission of CFC through giving
Money is a big deal in our culture! You might be surprised to know that Jesus actually had a lot to say about money and how we manage our money. We’ve seen too many people weighed down by the trappings of debt and bad financial decision making. Perhaps that’s a feeling you know all too well.
The Bible teaches a simple money-map for how we should prioritize the wealth God entrusts to us.
It goes like this:
Give first
Save second
Live on the rest
And as far as giving goes, we believe one place that God would have every Christ-follower give is the local church. The church was Jesus' invention to spread His message to the world.
Christ Fellowship Church is an easy place to give to because every week, we see lives being impacted and changed as a direct result of generous and consistent giving. When you give, you’re helping to create the kind of church that even the unchurched people of our community love to attend. The progressive, priority, percentage giving of those who call CFC their church home, funds the mission and ministry of CFC. Imagine the impact you could make by giving consistently and generously to the mission of Christ Fellowship Church.
giving options:
Give safely & securely online. You can also set up and manage your account by clicking the button below:
via text
You can give via texting by texting any amount to:
by mail
If you want to give via check, please mail your check to:
Christ Fellowship Church
135 Industry Lane
Forest Hill, MD 21050
Your giving makes an impact
Funding Church Ministries
Your giving directly funds everything that we do as a church. By giving to CFC you help fund our mission to help experience a genuine and growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Global Missions
Your financial gifts help ministries in some of the darkest parts of our world bring hope to orphans, broken families, powerless young women, at-risk youth, and hurting communities through long-term, life-changing relationships.
Our Community
We partner with organizations in our local community to help reach students with the good news of the gospel, struggling families, foster care & more. You can learn more about our local partners here.
We want to be able to care for people both in our church community and beyond. We want to be able to meet the needs of those experiencing a crisis, struggling with finances or taking a next step.