we can’t wait to meet you!
times & location
Christ Fellowship Church
135 Industry Lane Forest Hill, MD 21050
New Gathering Times Starting: March 23
what to expect
Upon arrival at CFC, you will greeted by our one of our friendly parking volunteers who will direct you to available parking. They are also there to help direct you and assist you to make your visit with us an enjoyable experience. We have 4 available lots, our building is located at 135 Industry Lane which is just a short walk from wherever you park!
For The Kids
Our Sunday morning kid’s ministry at CFC seeks to partner with parents in the discipleship of those in fifth grade and below. Whether learning age-appropriate Bible lessons, watching exciting videos rich in Gospel truth, participating in hands-on activities, memorizing Scripture, or playing games, our goal is to help children know, love, and serve Jesus. Before joining us for the first time, you can pre-register your kids to expedite your check-in experience.
Our worship band will lead everyone in a time of singing as a way for people to engage with God. We usually sing about three songs together, and the lyrics to the songs will appear on our screens in the auditorium.
If you see people clapping, lifting their hands, and getting excited, these are just ways that people sometimes express themselves to God while singing and worshipping. Anyone who has ever attended a sporting event or a concert understands the different ways that people express themselves when they are fully engaged and excited about "their team" or "that great play." We are just thankful and excited about who Jesus is and what He has done and is doing in our lives.
Relevant Teaching
After worship one of our pastors will come and share a short relevant message that is based in the Bible and impactful for whatever stage of your relationship with God. You can check out our most recent message and previous Sundays below:
find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Have a question not listed? Reach out to us here
Our gatherings typically last around 1 hour and consist of a time of worship, a quick update on what’s coming up and a relevant message.
We have 4 lots available on Sundays for parking. Our awesome parking folks will direct you to a lot. If you need a handicap spot, just turn on your flashers and our team will direct you to our handicap spots.
We want you to feel comfortable. Whether that means jeans and a t-shirt, business casual or suit and tie, as long as you are actually wearing clothes, you will fit right in.
You can breathe easy, the answer is no! Your level of engagement is completely up to you. But if and when you're ready to take a step, we'll be ready! There's a New Here Card that you can choose to fill it out in case you have questions, need prayer, or are interested in getting baptized, or if you'd like to be in the know for church-wide events and activities.