The church is often known for what it’s against.
We want to be known for what we are FOR.
For far too long, the church has been known for what it’s against. We at CFC, want to be known for what we’re FOR. People won’t know Jesus is FOR them if they don’t know that we are FOR them.
Our desire is to engage people in compassion, generosity, and justice through relationships with partners that we work with throughout the year. We want to know the leaders of these organizations, meet their real needs, and partner with them for the long haul.
meet our local partners:
The Forgotten Initiative
We partner, host, and support TFI and our local advocates so that together we may be a force for good in helping to support the foster care community and experience Jesus together. We want to encourage our area social workers while supporting and blessing the children that are in foster care within Harford County.
Pregnancy Resource Center (Alpha’s Glory)
Pregnancy Resource Center offers the hope and support needed when your plans didn’t include pregnancy. They are committed to helping you make an informed choice about your unplanned pregnancy and provide care and resources to help along the way.
Young Life of Harford County
Young Life is about introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.
Stuff The Bus (HCPS)
School supply donations to help support the children and families in our own community.
Habitat For Humanity Susquehanna
As a reflection of God’s love, Habitat for Humanity Susquehanna creates affordable housing opportunities throughout Harford and Cecil counties by building, renovating, and repairing homes in partnership with the community.
Harford Family House
Harford Family House is the largest provider of shelter and support for families and individuals experiencing homelessness in Harford County. They have help more than 2,000 people in more than 700 families since 1989.
global missions:
Our mission as a church is to help people experience a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. In light of that, we are especially burdened to help people who live in places in the world where they have little or no access to hear the gospel message.
Our Mission Partners Team at CFC exists to help people experience a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by identifying, confirming & supporting our LOCALand GLOBAL MISSION PARTNERS as a church.
In light of this great need, we are committed to:
PRAYING for the unreached peoples of the world
LEARNING about the unreached peoples of the world
PARTNERING with others to reach the unreached peoples of the world
GIVING financially to send people to reach the unreached peoples of the world
SENDING people from our local church to the unreached peoples of the world through short-term mission trips as well as raising up long-term missionaries.
Get in touch.
If you have additional questions about the work we do and/or how to get involved, fill out the form to email us.